North Shore Photo Locations ↟↟↟

Minnesota Wedding Photographer

Whenever I’m at the north shore of Minnesota, I never want to leave. There’s something so unique about it - you’re “up nort’”, the lake is enormous, the air is fresh, the scenery endless…I could go on. It’s the closest thing we’ve got to mountains (my absolute favorite), and I love it. I’ve compiled my favorite locations into one place to help you decide which spot is best for your vision!

Palisade Head - Silver Bay, MN

Not for the faint of heart (aka anyone who is afraid of heights). This one is my all-time favorite. You get cliffs, gorgeous trees, and Lake Superior. The views are amazing all-around! What more could you ask for?!

Note: not ideal in winter as you have to drive through a gate and up a relatively steep incline to get to this spot - the gate is often closed in the winter so you have to walk and it’s generally very icy (“I know from experience, dude”.)


Black Sand Beach - Silver Bay, MN

I like to pretend I’m in Iceland when I’m here 😎 The spot in the first photo is really unique because the “tide” comes in from both sides. The sand is like tiny little pebbles and it truly is dark. There is also a little cliff on the north side that is easy to climb up with a great view of the lake. This location is great for moody portraits! I’ve shot here in the winter and it’s still awesome (and flat aside from the cliff).


Stoney Point - Duluth Township, MN

I consider this the “best” closest-to-Duluth location (it is about halfway between Duluth proper and Two Harbors) where there isn’t anything majorly distracting in the background. Stoney Point is in the middle of a residential area and it’s generally pretty empty, which rules. I shot the below elopement there in 2020 and we had the place to ourselves! It is a smaller area depending on water levels, but still gorgeous.


Gooseberry Falls - Two Harbors, MN

Can you really beat a stunning waterfall? Spanning 1687 acres, you could explore here for hours. Note that I will typically schedule here on a Monday-Wednesday to avoid crowds as it’s a very popular spot!


Shovel Point - Beaver Bay, MN

This spot is actually in view when you look north at Palisade Head. It takes a quick ~15 minute hike with a decent amount of stairs to get there, but it is totally worth it. If you keep going past the view from the photos below, you will see endless views of the lake and a really awesome, there-for-no-reason staircase.


North Shore Camp Sites

Are you an avid adventurer and want to showcase your love of nature in your photos like these two? I know of some great campsites that we can rent for the session. This one was a cart-in campsite at Tettegouche (pronounced “Tet-uh-goosh” - I said it wrong for roughly 31 years 😂 I even took a picture of a sign with the phonetic pronunciation on it at the Visitor Center so I wouldn’t forget!). This spot was really great because it had a fantastic view of the rocky shore and the lake. There are campsites all over - just have to prepare in advance for these!


Bonus: Tofte Peak - “On My List”

In the summer of 2022, I went on a camping trip with my boyfriend-turned-husband, Sam, and a few of our friends. I had set my sights on finding a great vantage point near our campsite. After some exploring, I stumbled upon a “road” (I use the term loosely, since it’s really more off-roading—definitely requires an SUV or truck) that leads to a parking lot near Tofte Peak where you can get to the summit in about 5 minutes. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love hiking, but when I scout locations for my clients, I usually try to find spots that don’t involve major hikes—so no one has to be drenched in sweat before the session even starts! From the peak, you get breathtaking panoramic views of the lake and the Superior National Forest.

I’m sharing a few photos (iPhone-ography at its finest 😜) from the trip—because, let’s face it, photos are my favorite! Photo 1 shows the view from the peak, and Photo 2 is another shot from the parking area (another spot I’d take some shots). Photos 3-5 capture some of our adventures—like when Sam, being the wildcat he is, led us on a hike down an actual waterfall (with shards of rock all the way down) to reach one of his favorite fishing spots. Don’t worry, I only slipped and sliced my leg open once. It was still one of my favorite adventures ever!


If you want to see more images from any session I’ve done at the north shore, feel free to reach out and I’ll send you a link! There are so many locations that I have shot or want to shoot, so if you want some more options I’m your gal. Thanks for tuning in!